Open Science Compliance

The Brazilian Journal of Occupational Therapy follows the Open Science criteria and will gradually adopt its principles and practices.

Open Science is understood as a new way of formatting, designing, managing, communicating, and evaluating research and its communication, advocating for the transparency of processes and the availability of components that underpin its communication, such as methods, data, and computer programs. This openness includes and promotes significant changes in a journal’s editorial work, contributing to the acceleration of research publication through continuous publication and the use of preprint repositories, facilitating article assessment, research replicability, and the reuse of collected data.

The adoption and improvement of scientific communication practices in compliance with Open Science include open access; preprints as the beginning of the article production flow; transparent management of research data; availability of program codes and other materials underlying the articles; transparency and gradual opening of the manuscript evaluation process; public dissemination of research; interoperability with the global flow of scientific information and knowledge.

Preprints are manuscripts ready for submission to a journal, which are deposited on an open-access Web server beforehand by the author or in parallel with submission to the journal by the author or journal. The use of preprints as an option for the author implies that, when submitting an article to the journal, they must inform if the manuscript is deposited in a preprint server, including its name and URL. In addition to accelerating the communication of research results, this pre-publication allows the author(s) to receive feedback from readers and make any modifications deemed relevant.

Articles submitted for publication must be original, in print or electronic media, except for those available in preprint repositories, and simultaneous submission for evaluation to another journal is not permitted.

At the time of submission, the responsible author must complete and attach the Open Science Compliance Form, indicating: (a) if the manuscript is a preprint and, if so, its location; (b) if data, program codes, and other materials underlying the manuscript text are properly cited and referenced; (c) if they accept open options in the peer review process.